I write and teach at https://productizeandscale.com/ // I run https://audienceops.com/ // I co-host the http://bootstrappedweb.com/ podcast.
~64.35% of Brian's customers came from hearing me on a podcast: either Bootstrapped Web or Productize Podcast.
With every project Brian starts, he asks "how can I sustain this after I stop working on it?"
For a podcast, Brian really only wants to be interviewing interesting people, not:
This stuff needs to get done, so Brian set up a process to get them done automatically.
As an example, here's what that process looks like for finding interesting guests:
Audience Ops is starting up a new service for podcasting that does this process for you.
I'm sending out a beautiful PDF eBook of notes from every MicroConf Starter and Growth talk – both Speaker and Attendee. Want a copy?